Fathers’ Rights in Today’s Society


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Fathers have always been an important part of their children’s lives; however, in recent years, especially since COVID, they have become even more involved in day-to-day parenting duties such as childcare and daily activities. Additionally, economic conditions or socioeconomic status often calls for both parents to maintain full time jobs.

Sari M. Friedman acts a s general counsel for the Fathers' Rights Association of New York State

A new study has found that couples who both work full-time are more likely to argue than those where only one partner is employed. Worse yet, these arguments tend to be more severe and less likely to be resolved. As fathers play a more active role in their children’s lives, they are also fighting for increased rights.

In today’s society, fathers are pushing for more responsibility and involvement when it comes to their children. In the past, it was mostly mothers who fought for custody and visitation rights, but now fathers are just as likely to fight for these rights. In some cases, fathers are even winning primary custody of their children.

Although there have been advances, there is still a long way to go when it comes to equality for fathers. There are many social norms that favor mothers and put fathers at a disadvantage. If you are a father who is seeking custody or visitation rights, you may feel like the odds are against you. But with the help of an experienced family law attorney, you can level the playing field and fight for the best interests of your child.

Enter Attorney Sari M. Friedman, who has established herself as a leader in the field of matrimonial and family law, both in the Long Island and New York legal communities. She is highly sought-after for her experience and skill in this area of law, and she regularly lectures on various topics related to matrimonial law. In addition, she has published numerous articles on family law matters, and has been interviewed on radio and television regarding these topics.

Attorney Sari M. Friedman is a respected member of the legal community, with over 35 years of experience handling cases involving divorce, child custody, visitation, support, and more. She is a diligent advocate for her clients and has a proven track record of success in achieving favorable outcomes in complex legal matters. Her experience and qualifications have been recognized by her peers, and she has received numerous awards and accolades throughout her career.

Some of her notable accomplishments include:

🌟 She acts as general counsel for the Fathers’ Rights Association of New York State

🌟 Authoring numerous articles on matrimonial and family law issues

🌟 Being featured in Newsday as Businesswoman of the Year for New York by the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Business Advisory Council

If you are facing a legal matter related to divorce or family law, you need an experienced attorney who will aggressively fight for your rights and interests. Attorney Sari M. Friedman has the knowledge, skill, and experience to provide you with the high-quality representation that you deserve.

Sari M. Friedman dedicates her law firm to helping families sort out these difficult issues and strives to provide personal legal plans for each case her team takes one ensuring equality for all parents involved. Contact her today at Friedman & Friedman PLLC to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

Author: Sal Aniano
Top Attorneys of North America
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Bellmore, NY  11710
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Sal Aniano President of Top Attorneys of North America.

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